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If you can't find your supplier here, invite them.
They too can easily offer excellent shopping experiences
Search for one and you're done!
Search for any article and see supplier prices and inventory, detailed information, multimedia and alternative options to help you decide.
Your own suppliers
The execution of the purchase process is very simple, so you can start saving today by taking advantage of attractive offers on veterinary articles.
Buy on negotiated terms allows stores hosted on its platform to define negotiated discounts with their clients. Therefore, you see exactly the prices you have negotiated. Discounts agreed with the supplier are reflected in what you see after logging into your account on
Inventories and warehouses
See how many items are left in stock, and whether the item will be shipped from the main or alternate warehouse.
Purchase Tracking
Search all orders placed and track all incoming shipments from each supplier at once
Order history
Browse and search complete purchase history from all vendors. Quickly find any placed order or previously purchased item.
Notifications of price changes
When you browse an item in the search or on one of the lists, you can see the entire purchase history of that item and the price changes since the last order.
Virtual analysis
View interactive charts to really understand your purchases, with vendor, manufacturer, and product insights.
Create a free account and try the easier way to order does not require any fees and will always offer free functionality for ZLZs. No frills, no hidden fees. Create an account today, the world of the digital shopping revolution is open to you.
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